About Easy Match

Have someone (human, cat, iguana, we don't judge) coming into your life that needs a name? This website is designed to allow users to pair with one another to find names that they both love. Sign up with as many partners or friends as you like, then start picking the names that speak to you. 'My Matches!' will update you whenever you and your partner both like the same name. Happy name matching!

About the Data

The set of names that are used on this site are drawn from the US Social Security database. That means that any name that was given to at least 5 newborns in a year since 1880 is inside the database (somewhere, there are a lot of dusty corners around here).

Filter Definitions

We give you the ability to apply filters to the names you see to help you find the names you like more quickly.

About Privacy

See our official privacy policy here. The short version is: we will never sell your data. We will be analyzing your usage of the site to try and make it better, and to see if we can learn anything cool about how people pick baby names. To that end, we may also share anonymized selection and partnering data with other organizations. You can delete your account at any time, at which point any identifiable data about you will be deleted. We will also delete your partner data and selection data from our servers, but your anonymized data will remain part of any datasets we have shared (as we no longer control it, we cannot guarantee deletion). You can request a copy of all data we have stored about you at any time. You can opt-out of data sharing, view your data, and delete your account here.

Open Source

This website is fully open source under the AGPL license. You can view the source code here.


Easy Match is hosted as a service of waldoCorp, which is just a fancy way of saying that Ben and Lief made it and we hope that it is useful for you. waldoCorp is not (yet) a registered corporation, but its the name Ben and Lief picked as an umbrella for various projects. Its named for Waldo, an adorable cat who started life in a college dorm room, and now is the Queen of Ben's apartment. Easy Match is our first product, and we hope to create more cool things in the future.